Welcome to Valor Pathways. Our mission is to guide our clients through their life’s adventures, to help you navigate the paths and tackle the mountains that you are facing. We use a unique “Choose Your Own Adventure” methodology to help you identify the mountain that is in front of you, then we identify the specific quest you want to focus on. After that, we help you pick a path, set breakpoints and encourage celebration when you reach what we call a campsite (sticking with our adventure theme), and then we break everything down into small achievable steps to help reduce the overwhelming feeling and anxiety that comes when you are facing a big mountain all alone. Our mission is to break the chains that bind you, to help you find light in the darkness, and to coach you to achieving your goals. It takes effort on your part, and you must be teachable and willing to take the actions in order to climb the mountains – but we will guide you along the way. We offer different levels of coaching packages to meet your budget and we have other services to help you along the way as well. To get started, pick the mountain you want tackle by going to our homepage, here, and you will be guided through the steps and given the opportunity to setup a free call with us so we can determine which direction you need to go and which package is best for your needs. Again, thank you for considering Valor Pathways to help you through your life’s adventures.
OUR MISSION: Valor Pathways Empowers You Break The Chains That Bind You By Turning Your Challenges Into Adventures, Assigning Quests, & Defining Actionable Steps That
Taps Into Your Inner Strengths & The Warrior Inside Of You.

Thank you for your interests in Valor Pathways. To fully understand our mission and what prompted me to create this company, my story and testimony is important. Like everyone, I have had a roller coaster ride of a life. From my childhood, I have traumas that I never told anyone about. I’ve carried those throughout my life and sometimes they are heavy. Every single day I battle a chronic illness and pain from degenerative disk disease and old injuries. My life turned upside down after a military injury that completely changed the way I lived my life. In addition, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Hashimoto’s disease around 2018; which gave me some peace knowing what was wrong with me, but that was only the beginning of my battle. I tell you all of this so you know that I have been in the dark places and I have struggled with many things in life. I am human, but what makes my coaching services valuable to you is that I have been there; I understand; and I’m empathetic to what you are going through. Legally, I must tell that I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist, but I’ve learned that the people who suffer are the experts in their experiences. With that said, I am a person who has overcome many challenges and learned a lot along the way. I want to use my experiences and the knowledge I’ve gained over the years to help others. I want to use my God-given gifts to help bring people out of the darkness and into the light that life really does have to offer. There is so much more to my story, but what I want you to gain out of this message is that I’m here for you to offer you a different perspective on the things you are going through and the goals you want to achieve.
I founded Valor Pathways with the intent to coach and guide others using a “Choose Your Own Adventure” methodology, to make life more fun and make the steps to climb your mountains in life less overwhelming and more fulfilling. I appreciate you and I’m proud of you – no matter where you are in life right now. You have a warrior inside of you, we need to tap into your inner strengths, layout your path, define your quests, outline your steps, and make sure you are prepared for what you need to do to keep moving forward.
If you choose Valor Pathways, we have several different coaching options available – starting with our free online adventures with guides; a mid-range priced coaching package that includes virtual meetings at various stages during your progress through your adventure; to our premium coaching package that includes an accountability partner and a more intimate (but professional) coaching relationship.
To get started, go to the homepage and select the mountain you want to tackle first, then you will be guided through your adventure. Our coaching package prices vary based on several factors that are determined through the selections you make during your journey. When you get to the point in your adventure where coaching is needed, the package offer will be presented to you along with alternative options. Welcome to Valor Pathways and we hope you enjoy your adventures through life, whether we are helping you through them or you are going through them alone. You are precious and you are worthy. You are smart and beautiful. You are human and you are more powerful than you know. We, at Valor Pathways, love you. We want you to know that God loves you and that we are praying blessings over you today and always.
MY WHY: I want to improve my life in all areas & continue to grow and maintain a childlike wonder when facing the obstacles this world puts in front of me. I want to stand strong when things get hard and be proactive instead of reactive as I journey along the paths of this earthly life. I want to help others when and where I can because helping others also helps me to grow and learn. I want to be the best I can be for my family, for my friends, and for the many animals that depend on me to take care of them. I want to be someone covered in God’s grace and mercy, to help others find His light when darkness feels all consuming. I want to improve my physical body and health so that I can enjoy this earthly life while I’m here.
One of the first steps any good coach will take you through is to identify your “WHY”. We’ll talk about that more in our adventures, but I thought I’d share my “WHY” with you here.
My “WHY” is faith-centered, because without God, I couldn’t and wouldn’t be here. My “WHY” is family-centered because without them, I wouldn’t have the support I needed to get through what I’ve been through. My “WHY” is animal-centered, because my true passion is wildlife and animal rescue and rehabilitation and animals just make me happy on the hardest days. My “WHY” is centered around YOU, too, because without you I wouldn’t have a purpose for the pain and suffering that I’ve been through. By going through it and learning from it, my purpose is to help others get through it, too.
A “WHY” statement is powerful and encompasses many facets of your life. Depending on where you are in life, you may have one “WHY” statement or many different ones for different situations – like mine, that is centered around multiple things that drive me forward everyday. We’ll help you develop your “WHY” statements, too. Something you can use as a grounding-tool to help you stay focused on the goals and steps ahead. You’ve got this, you can absolutely do this and if you need a helping hand to navigate a challenging path in front of you, check out our coaching packages, products, and services because our “WHY” wouldn’t be anything without YOU. Thank you for trusting us to be your life’s adventure guide and your Chain Breaker Coach. We appreciate you beyond measure.